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Why Me?

Work is interefering with my blogging. The humanity.

But, Aaaaahl Be Back.

And many thanks to that crazy Finn, Vaara, for relieving me of that unsightly banner ad. For those who miss his most entertaining blog, “Silt.” here’s a little tidbit I gleaned from Atrios’ comment section today. He’s so got lil’ Andy’s number.

Memo to Sully: You gaze with filial devotion upon the various distinguished raiment chosen by our President to enhance our appreciation of his lean, powerful frame and his unswerving dedication to the timeless principles on which our great nation was founded. I’m sure you know what I mean: that athletic-cut suit with jaunty flag lapel pin, that respectable red tie, those snow-white BVDs, those shiny wingtips, and that stern air of rugged, manly sternness and unswervingness.

But guess what?

He’s actually naked.



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