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I live in California. What am I, French?

From David Brooks:

This is the most important reason Americans resist wealth redistribution, the reason that subsumes all others. Americans do not see society as a layer cake, with the rich on top, the middle class beneath them and the working class and underclass at the bottom. They see society as a high school cafeteria, with their community at one table and other communities at other tables. They are pretty sure that their community is the nicest, and filled with the best people, and they have a vague pity for all those poor souls who live in New York City or California and have a lot of money but no true neighbors and no free time

Oh yeah. Bobo Brooks knows all about real haaaartland Muricans.

I dun heard he’s a champeen cow tipper who kin toss a chew moren’ 50 feet in one spit.

Right in the middle of The Palms at lunch hour.

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