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They Make It So Easy

In my post below, I discuss how odd it is that Republicans are so distressed about the unfairness of these few numbers of white students who have to go to their second choice school and yet in all other respects are convinced that people should just “get over it.”

Lo and behold, Atrios posts the perfect illustration of the point.

Keep in mind that these are the guys who completely decimated the Republican Party of California. As California goes, so goes the the nation…

SACRAMENTO — A California Republican Party leader has called on the highest-ranking African American in the state GOP to stop “parading” his race by complaining about “how awful it is to be a black Republican.”

In an angry letter distributed to GOP activists statewide, Randy Ridgel, a member of the party’s Board of Directors, responded to an accusation by fellow board member Shannon Reeves, who is black, that Republicans have treated African Americans as “window dressing.”

“I, for one, am getting bored with that kind of garbage,” Ridgel wrote. “Let me offer this suggestion to Mr. Reeves: ‘Get over it, bucko. You don’t know squat about hardship.’ “

Ridgel added: “I personally don’t give a damn about your color … so stop parading it around. We need human beings of all human colors in our party to pull their weight, so get in without the whining or get out.”


He [Reeves] recalled that during the 2000 Republican national convention in Philadelphia, delegates asked him six times to “fetch them a taxi or carry their luggage.”

Ridgel responded by calling Reeves “a bombastic gasbag.” He criticized Reeves for writing “a lengthy whining letter explaining how awful it is to be a black Republican.”

Ridgel added: “Your sniveling letter makes me sick, young man; you are a superstar because you are a black Republican, and you love it. Now I wonder if you can make it as just a Republican … like the rest of us. And don’t try any of that Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters racist garbage on me.”

But, he will fight all the way to the Supreme Court for all those poor hard working white kids who know first hand about hardship having been denied admission to their favorite school because one of these sniveling, bombastic whiners got extra points for being black.

You know, it’s not just that they are such dumb fucks. It’s that they are so damned proud of being such dumb fucks.

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