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He’s Too Cool To Blog

Simply the best.

From Altercation via :Electrolite


Name: Charles Pierce

Hometown: Newton, MA

Eric —

“All men are bored with other men’s lives.”

Pete apparently never was more wrong than when he wrote that one. was he? I’m going to buy his story for the time being, especially since the charge — “suspicion of harboring an image” — is sufficiently vague and (Don’t say it!)”Orwellian.” However, the guy is now a punchline for every two-bit Morning Zoo guy on AM radio now. I’m 49. I’m not supposed to get disillusioned like this any more.

You probably saw the story where the Vatican put the knuckle down on American Catholic politicians — read John Kerry and (maybe) Nancy Pelosi — about hewing to the company line regarding certain issues on which a “well-formed Christian conscience” does not permit them to take a certain position. Now, ever since John Kennedy gave his speech to the Baptist ministers in Texas back in 1960, we American Papists have taken comfort in the fact that this peculiar “double loyalty” issue had been put to rest. Now, with their institutional church possessing on issues of human sexuality the approximate moral credibility of a barnyard goat, the bureaucrats in red beanies have decided to raise it again. If Kerry has any brains at all, he’ll make a speech this week telling these ermined layabouts to go climb a tree. My own informed Christian conscience won’t rest until a battalion of them are hauled off to the sneezer on conspiracy charges.

Noticed that Weepin’ Joe Lieberman (D-Madame Tussaud’s), burnishing his hepcat credentials, appeared with Conan and with Jon Stewart this week. It was like hearing Cotton Mather rap.

When did this start making sense?

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