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I hear much of people’s calling out to punish the guilty, but very few are concerned to clear the innocent.

Daniel Dafoe

Whether or not you believe in the death penalty, I think it’s fair to say that nobody believes in executing innocent people. There are those who think our judicial system makes it virtually impossible and, like our President, refuse to acknowledge that if prisoners have been found innocent as close to 48 hours before their execution then it is likely that innocent people have been executed. But even he is unlikely to admit that executing innocent people bears any relationship to justice (unless you are a 3 year old Iraqi, but that’s another post.)

So, there is absolutely no reason that everyone in this country shouldn’t support the Innocence Protection Act. which allows every prisoner the right to DNA testing, if applicable, after conviction. Now that it’s available, the concept of Justice requires that it be used.

Go to The Justice Project to find out what you can do to convince your elected representatives to be reasonable and rational and support this obviously just legislation.

Via Talk Left

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