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Thank You Peggy

It was so nice of her to help out the hapless Dems with some sad, heartfelt observations of our snobbishness, elitism and exclusionary tactics. She said:

“Be pro-free-speech again. Allow internal divisions and dissent. A vital political party should have divisions and dissent.”

“Stop being the party of snobs. Show love for your country and its people–all its people. Stop looking down on those who resist your teachings

“Stop the ideology. A lot of Democratic Party movers and intellectuals have created or inherited a leftist ideology that they try to impose on life. It doesn’t spring from life; it’s forced on life, and upon people. Stop doing that–it’s what weirdos who are detached from reality do.”

That was such good advice. You can’t say too much about it. What could be more important to a political party’s intellectual vitality

than to allow all points of view?This is what makes Peggy a national treasure. Her consistency, her caring advice to the opposition, her committment to values and principles that all Americans should (and so rarely do) hold dear are the very definition of the American character.

It’s called Honor and Integrity

Or, as Peggy says, “It’s called, class.”

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