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Let’s Roll

I have, at long last, added the following links to the blogroll. I’m sure that most of them are already regular stops. I urge you to check out those that may be new to you. They’re all good.

My list is in no particular order, as you can see. This means absolutely nothing except that I dread alphabetizing the whole damned thing.

Smirking Chimp

The Hamster


Steve Gilliard

Whiskey Bar

Left Coaster

War Liberal

Suburban Guerrilla

Open Source Politics


Mark Kleiman

Mad Kane

Not Geniuses

Sasha Undercover

Crisis Papers

Easter Lemming

Bohemian Mama


Prometheus 6

Crooked Timber

Take Back The Media


Brief Intelligence

Book Notes

Update: I knew this would happen. I forgot some of the links I intended to include.

I’ll add them for awhile as I think of them:

Prometheus Speaks

longstoryshortpier (a law professor for our side)


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