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Freeing The Inner Incubus

Leah over at corrente points to one of those patented incoherent rants by everybody’s favorite wing nut guest pundit, Cliff May.

In response to a Red Cross worker wondering why someone would attack the Red Cross he says:

What do the terrorists and their allies want? They want to get Iraq and its resources e.g. oil, weapons, cash, — back into their sweaty hands so they can utilize them to further for their viciously destructive aims. They can accomplish that by killing as many all foreign infidels and their allies as possible, and by driving the rest out of Iraq.

That includes you, Ms. Doumani. You too, represent the hated Judeo-Christian West and it won’t help for you to say you never eat at McDonald’s and that you think George W. Bush is a unilateralist and uncultured cowboy. The fact is you’re working for the Red Cross and people who remember the Crusades and the sacking of Baghdad by the Mongols remember what that cross used to stand for.


The “terrorists” want to get Iraqi oil, cash and weapons back into their sweaty hands…

Well, the hell with that. Possession is 9/10th of the law. WE have the Iraqi oil, cash and weapons and we’re not giving them back.

And, there’s nothing in his piece to suggest that this worker said a word about McDonalds or cowboys. That image just seems to have appeared unbidden in his fevered little fantasy about nefarious Anti-American Red Cross workers with foreign sounding names. He just opened a little can of Bush Doctrine preemptive whoop-ass on her in case she might be thinking about maybe having a program or a desire to hate Happy Meals and cowpokes in the future.

And then he pretty much tells her that the “terrorists” attacked the Red Cross because of the crusades, and his tone suggests that he isn’t convinced that actually isn’t a pretty good reason to blow the shit out of them. Damn those anti-freedom fry, crusading blood hustlers anyway.

I gotcher Sackin’ o’ Baghdad for yah, right here.

I fear we are starting to see the re-emergence of that crazy ass, Linda-Blair’s-head-spinning like-a-top thing that was so characteristic of even the more sober wingnuts during the Clinton years. Whenever things don’t go their way they go all wild eyed and drooly start screeching like Joan Crawford in coat hanger factory.

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