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Why Imminence Matters

Or, one of the reasons at least. This may be the one that hits home with the public.

Matt Yglesias

“…the reason the Clinton administration was so focused on keeping the body-count super-low is that they were primarily involved in humanitarian “wars of choice.” The standard of sacrifice that it is appropriate to ask of the military in such a conflict is different from the appropriate standard when the United States is responding to aggression or even, I would say, responding to a clear and present danger. This, however, is why all the talk about Iraqi weapons and whether or not the threat was imminent matters. We’re taking casualties in Iraq like it was necessary to fight this war, at this time, in this way, with these allies or else seriously imperil America’s national security. But it wasn’t necessary, even if it did help out the people of Iraq and remove a long-term irritant from our foreign policy, only to replace it with a much more severe short-term one.

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