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Let’s Put On A Show Trial!

Military practices a mock tribunal : “The U.S. military has held a dress rehearsal of planned tribunals for al Qaeda and Taliban combatants, complete with a defendant who acted up and had to be restrained and ejected. “

Apparently, it didn’t play well out of town so they had to replace some of the cast:

US fires Guantanamo defence team: “A team of military lawyers recruited to defend alleged terrorists held by the US at Guantanamo Bay was dismissed by the Pentagon after some of its members rebelled against the unfair way the trials have been designed, the Guardian has learned.

And some members of the new legal defence team remain deeply unhappy with the trials – known as ‘military commissions’ – believing them to be slanted towards the prosecution and an affront to modern US military justice.”

C’mon people! We’ve got a show opening in … well, someday.

One, two, three KICK!

Links via Center For American Progress

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