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Ooops, He Did It Again

As hard as it is to believe, John-Boy Bolton just yesterday reitereated Wes Clark’s hallucinatory statement about the administration’s willingness to commit the nation to WWIII:

“The Bush administration on Tuesday defended its strategy of pre-emptive action against Iraq – even while admitting that US intelligence had been imperfect – and warned that the US was ready to use all options against five other ‘rogue states’.

John Bolton, under-secretary of state for arms control and international security, singled out Iran, North Korea, Syria, Libya and Cuba as being ‘hostile to US interests’ during a speech in Washington. Mr Bolton, known as a hardliner, also cautioned negotiating partners in Asia and Europe that the US remained sceptical over efforts to induce North Korea and Iran to abide by nuclear safeguard commitments, amid reluctance to take firmer action.”

Does Bolton speak for the administration?

To his supporters, Mr. Bolton is a truth teller, a policy innovator who is liberated enough from the department’s clubby confines to speak his mind, even at the risk of upsetting diplomatic strategies. He is also said to be a favorite of the president.

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