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Send Susan at Suburban Guerrilla a nice little paypal stocking stuffer today. And while you’re at it, send a nice little note to Tom DeLay telling him how much you appreciate the fact that he’s personally ensuring that tens of thousands of unemployed people will be cut off the unemployment rolls in the last week of December.

It’s nice to see that Tom Scully won’t be having any problems finding a job. He’s being courted by at least five companies he was dealing with during the medicare battle — two weeks ago.

This is a novel approach to finding a new job and one that I would recommend highly now that all laws and rules pertaining to corruption have apparently been repealed. The next time you find yourself in charge of a project at work, tell certain sub-contractors and interested outside parties that you are looking for a new high paying position just as soon as the project is completed. Make sure these contractors are more than amply compensated and then let all the companies know that your old employer is so grateful that you got the project done on time that they will continue to reward whichever company hires you. This will set off a bidding war for your services and you’ll be able to leverage your success into a hugely lucrative new job.

One little caveat, however. Many employers, unlike the US government, may actually be upset that you’ve just screwed them royally and may not be so happy to reward you with an ongoing relationship. It would probably be best to do this only if your company is being run by a bunch of mafiosi types who have no responsibility to shareholders and are only using the company as a front for their criminal enterprise.

But, still. It’s worth a try. Ethics are for losers.

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