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Clark Chat

If anyone’s interested, I’ll be participating the following live blogger chat with General Wesley Clark, who most of you know I support for the Democratic nomination:

Public IRC Server: irc://

Closed Read-Only Channel: #wireside

Open Discussion Channel: #clark04

We will also be mirroring the closed #wireside channel on a web-based page,

which any one can view at this following URL:

The chat is scheduled to begin promptly at 5:00 PM EST, January 7,

2004. It will last approximately 30 minutes.

The questions that will be asked are being drawn from 15 leading political

bloggers. Follow-up questions will be taken, if time permits.

We estimate approximately 3000 people to be participating in this live

real-time chat with General Clark.

I have written several pieces about General Clark, going back some months prior to his joining the race. I still think that he is best positioned to beat George W. Bush, which as a good ABB Democrat, is of primary importance to me. However, as his campaign has been fleshed out and his positions, strategic instincts and political ability have become clear, I am even more enthusiastic about him.

I wrote below that I think that politics is really a matter of consumer marketing and I stand by that. I have seen almost no evidence of any interest among partisans or anyone else in specific policies this time. But, that does not mean that it doesn’t matter to me and many others who do follow politics on a substantive level.

On both counts, General Clark fills the bill. From a marketing standpoint, I believe he is the best positioned to embody the 2004 “manly outsider” zeitgeist without alienating large numbers of people who don’t like overt partisanship. I think he is the best candidate to capture swing voters in swing states and I still maintain that this is the key to winning the election. Big turn-out in blue states won’t get it done.

From a substantive standpoint, well, the guy is just awesomely smart. I, unlike my GOP countrymen apparently, consider this a requirement to run the most powerful nation on earth. His character is sterling, his credentials are top flight and his thinking is bold yet practical. I’m proud to support him.

Oh, What Does He Know – January 23, 2003

General Dynamic – March 9, 2003

I’ve Been Leaning that Way Myself – March 30, 2003

Wingnuts Launch “Decapitation” Campaign Against Clark – March 31, 2003

4 Star Democrat – April 18, 2003

Waiting For Wesley – August 25, 2003

Deep Thoughts – October 10, 2003

Perot Crazy – November 15, 2003

Tin Foil General – December 3, 2003

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