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Oh No! They’re Calling Him a Hypocrite!

Here they go. Kerry’s Past to Star in Bush’s Ads

The beauty of John Kerry is 32 years of votes and public pronouncements,” said Mark McKinnon, the chief media adviser. McKinnon suggested a possible tag line: “He’s been wrong for 32 years, he’s wrong now.”

I sure hope they use that one because the response is so obvious.

“32 years ago John Kerry was a highly decorated Naval officer testifying before congress about the unjustified war he fought in halfway across the world. At that very same time, George W. Bush was dodging responsibility and wasting the taxpayers money in Texas and Alabama doing who knows what. He kept doing that for 32 years and he’s doing it now.”

I love the fact that they have resuscitated the concept of hypocrisy just in time to use it against John Kerry. But, there is some danger in it. After all, we have a cowboy president who can’t ride a horse, a wartime president who took many special favors to get out of Vietnam, a businessman president who failed at every single venture he ever went near, a moral leader who sanctions putting the lives of CIA agents in danger for political reasons, a Commander in Chief who took the country into an elective war under false pretenses and a fiscal conservative who has created the biggest deficits in American history and the worst job creation record since Herbert Hoover.

Yes. I think hypocrisy is a fine charge to hit John Kerry with. I’m sure it’s deserved. Politics is not an endeavor for the pure of heart and motive. However, hypocrisy is such a sissy little word when you can respond with muscular words like fraud, fake, phony, corrupt, crooked, unethical, unprincipled, manipulable and criminal.

Bring it on, fellas. This isn’t our first time at the rodeo.

Oh, and memo to John Kerry: I can’t find the $%^!!! link, but I recently read that he was telling anyone who will listen that he won’t “cut and run” in Iraq “like his father did.” I think the entire Iraq issue is wrapped up in some kind of freakish oedipal complex for him and it is probably a good idea to taunt him about it as much as possible. These guys get apoplectic when they are challenged and it leads them to make mistakes. Don’t hold back.

Update: South Knox Bubba has more, saying (as only can) the irony drips like bar-b-cue sauce from the chin of a county ward heeler at a GOP tent revival.” What an image…

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