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They Don’t Like It

Atrios quotes Minority Whip, Hammer “hot tub” Delay saying:

Americans “have been tolerant of homosexuality for years, but now it’s being stuffed down their throats and they don’t like it.” DeLay said.

Hmmm. What evocative and detailed images these good Christians use when they talk about gay rights. It’s all “man-on-dog” and something “stuffed down their throats” and “being forced to take it.”

Where do you suppose these disturbing thoughts come from, anyway?

It’s always possible that they make their way into the minds of these fine upstanding Republicans at those junkets put on by their contributors AOL/Time Warner and Comcast, the nation’s biggest purveyors of on-line and PPV pornography. But, that’s just a guess. It could just as easily be those regular “fact-finding” missions over at the Justice Department where they all annoint themselves in consecrated Crisco and sit around sifting through the evidence in Ashcroft’s new war on obscenity.

It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s got to do it.

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