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…to all the “winners.”

Unlike The Poorman and others of the pissing and moaning variety, I have much too much class to contest the results even though all evidence suggests that I didn’t win because my legions of fans were disenfranchised by that lying and cheating trial lawyer, Dwight “Diebold” Meredith.

Perhaps some of you are unaware that there are quite a few older bloggers who complained after the fact that they may have voted for Little Green Footballs by mistake because of the bad ballot design. It’s difficult to prove, of course, but really, what are the odds that LGF would get more than 100 votes from the Berkeley Bloggers Collective? I’m just asking.

And I suppose it’s best if we just forget about the fact that many lefty readers were purged from the blogrolls and e-mail lists before the vote. It’s just another little coincidence, I’m sure. Like the fact that everybody voted for “Atrios”, the psuedonymous Sonny Perdue of the left blogosphere again even though the exit polls had him losing to both Kos and Calpundit by a huge margin. Right. Must have been another case of failed exit polling. Uh huh.

I don’t suppose it had anything to do with the fact that his campaign manager Marybeth “dimpled chad” Williams certified the vote and is now conveniently running for office and getting endorsed by the “big man” himself. Nah. No connection there.

But, I won’t mention any of this because I’m not bitter like some others. I am going to Get Over It. But, might I just suggest that we require a paper trail next year?

Update: I would have thought Elayne would be happy enough with the title of the post, but there is no pleasing some people. She should GOI, if you ask me….

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