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King Mook Has Been Radicalized

Whether it’s true, nobody yet knows. But, the fact that Howard Stern is telling his loyal radio audience that he was fired by Clear Channel because of his antipathy for Bush is good news for our side. And, it wouldn’t be the first time Clear Channel did it.

From Salon:

From the moment last week when Clear Channel Communications suspended Howard Stern’s syndicated morning show from the company’s radio stations, denouncing it as “vulgar, offensive and insulting,” speculation erupted that the move had more to do with Stern’s politics than his raunchy shock-jock shtick.

Stern’s loyal listeners, Clear Channel foes and many Bush administration critics immediately reached the same conclusion: The notorious jock was yanked off the air because he had recently begun trashing Bush, and Bush-friendly Clear Channel used the guise of “indecency” to shut him up. That the content of Stern’s crude show hadn’t suddenly changed, but his stance on Bush had, gave the theory more heft. That, plus his being pulled off the air in key electoral swing states such as Florida and Pennsylvania.

This week, Stern himself went on the warpath, weaving in among his familiar monologues about breasts and porn actresses accusations that Texas-based Clear Channel — whose Republican CEO, Lowry Mays, is extremely close to both George W. Bush and Bush’s father — canned him because he deviated from the company’s pro-Bush line. “I gotta tell you something,” Stern told his listeners. “There’s a lot of people saying that the second that I started saying, ‘I think we gotta get Bush out of the presidency,’ that’s when Clear Channel banged my ass outta here. Then I find out that Clear Channel is such a big contributor to President Bush, and in bed with the whole Bush administration, I’m going, ‘Maybe that’s why I was thrown off: because I don’t like the way the country is leaning too much to the religious right.’ And then, bam! Let’s get rid of Stern. I used to think, ‘Oh, I can’t believe that.’ But that’s it! That’s what’s going on here! I know it! I know it!”

Stern’s been relentless all week, detailing the close ties between Clear Channel executives and the Bush administration, and insisting that political speech, not indecency, got him in trouble with the San Antonio broadcasting giant. If he hadn’t turned against Bush, Stern told his listeners, he’d still be heard on Clear Channel stations.


Walker, South Carolina Broadcasters Association’s 2002 radio personality of the year, is suing Clear Channel for violating a state law that forbids employers from punishing employees who express politically unpopular beliefs in the workplace.

“On our show we talked about politics and current events,” she tells Salon. “There were two conservative partners and me, the liberal, and that was fine. But as it became clear we were going to war, and I kept charging the war was not justified, I was reprimanded by [Clear Channel] management that I needed to tone that down. Basically I was told to shut up.” She says she was fired on April 7, 2003.

Phoenix talk show host Charles Goyette says he was kicked off his afternoon drive-time program at Clear Channel’s KFYI because of his sharp criticism of the war on Iraq. A self-described Goldwater Republican who was selected “man of the year” by the Republican Party in his local county in 1988, Goyette — more recently named best talk show host of 2003 by the Phoenix New Times — says his years with Clear Channel had been among his best in broadcasting. “The trouble started during the long march to war,” he says.

While the rest of the station’s talk lineup was in a pro-war “frenzy,” Goyette was inviting administration critics like former weapons inspector Scott Ritter on his show, and discussing complaints from the intelligence community that the analysis on Iraq was being cooked to support the White House’s pro-war agenda. This didn’t go over well with his bosses, Goyette says: “I was the Baby Ruth bar in the punch bowl.”

Soon, according to Goyette, he was having “toe-to-toe confrontations” with his local Clear Channel managers off the air about his opposition to the war. “One of my bosses said in a tone of exasperation, ‘I feel like I’m managing the Dixie Chicks,'” Goyette recalls. “I didn’t fit in with the Clear Channel corporate culture.”

Writing in the February issue of American Conservative magazine, Goyette put it this way: “Why only a couple of months after my company picked up the option on my contract for another year in the fifth-largest city in the United States, did it suddenly decide to relegate me to radio Outer Darkness? The answer lies hidden in the oil-and-water incompatibility of these two seemingly disconnected phrases: ‘Criticizing Bush’ and ‘Clear Channel.'”


At least one radio pro suggests Stern’s sudden turn against Bush could prove costly to the administration during this election year. “Absolutely it should be of concern for the White House,” says Michael Harrison, the publisher of Talkers magazine, a nonpartisan trade magazine serving talk radio. “Howard Stern will be an influential force for the public and for other talk show hosts during the election. Despite the shock jock thing, Stern has credibility. He’s looked upon as an honest person.

I think he was probably dumped because Clear only had him on 6 stations and they could make their point without losing much money. But, it was a political decision whether it was designed to support the wing-nut agenda or because of Stern’s “incorrect” opinion of Bush. It’s really the same thing.

The only thing that matters is that Stern is pissed and he’s connecting the dots for his audience. It’s another weapon in our arsenal. This election isn’t going to be polite anyway and as we know, radio is hugely influential. It’s helpful to have have somebody with a large and loyal audience openly on our side for a change.

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