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Random Observations

Bill Clinton was great at the Democratic Unity dinner. He was smart, funny, self-deprecating and even a bit inspiring.

His words about Kerry, in which he wove the story of Kerry’s life as a series of missions for which he volunteered was just excellent. When the going gets tough, John Kerry says, “send me.” From Kerry’s Vietnam heroism (which Clinton deftly framed in contrast to the current president, the current vice president and himself) to his fight for kids on the streets, he praised him for volunteering for the tough assignment. And then he asked that the members of the Party go to John Kerry and say, “send me.” It was perfect for the zeitgeist of the moment.

I was struck by the music that was used for these guys, too. Clinton’s upbeat, optimistic “Don’t Stop Thinkin’ About Tomorrow” has been replaced by Kerry’s “I Won’t Back Down” by Tom Petty. This election is all about balls.


I am really kind of stunned that Bush is making jokes about not being able to find the WMD. That the entire press corps laughed like a bunch of would be sorority girls during pledge week doesn’t surprise me.

On the other hand, if the patriotic correctness police have been dismissed then fine with me. Up until recently you couldn’t ask for a glass of water in a restaurant without prefacing it with “I support the troops.” “The War” was sacred. Even here in Soviet Monica people were flying flags right along side their “War Is Not The Answer” bumper sticker. If the Republicans are abandoning their position as the steely eyed and serious national security grown-ups, I’m all for it.

We’ve got a few guys who are more than ready to step in and fix this goddamned mess.

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