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Yglesias on TAPPED points out the obvious fact that the DNC should be blastfaxing to every mediamoron in the Washington, who up to now have not said word one about this obvious discrepancy:

“If we had something to hide, we wouldn’t have met with them in the first place,” he said.

Back in the real world of course, Bush did refuse to meet with the commission, only to back down in the face of public pressure. Then he refused to meet for more than one hour and, again, he wound up backing down in the face of public pressure. Finally, he agreed to let the commission ask their questions, but only on the dual condition that Cheney be at his side and that no transcript of the meeting be released. That doesn’t sound at all like the pattern of behavior of a president who’s trying to hide something. Why, it’s been “unprecedented cooperation” from the get-go. And we all remember how eager Condoleezza Rice was to testify. . . .

I’ve had the cable news on all morning and not one member of the “press” has noted this bullshit. It’s spoonfeeding time, Terry.

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