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The Line

“Their treatment does not reflect the nature of the American people. That’s not the way we do things in America. I didn’t like it one bit,” Mr. Bush said.

Was I supposed to be horrified by the report of Iraqi prisoners being positioned in “pornographic” positions and humiliated by American soldiers? I was not. During your report, all I could think of was the murder, torture, maiming, burning and beheading of innocent civilians, women and children included, carried out by terrorists and supporters of Saddam Hussein. At least these men were men of war.

They had to pose for pornographic pictures? So what. We cannot imagine sitting at home on our couches the horrors our soldiers must face every day. Why not focus your attention on the unfair practices of our enemy?

–Sally Ainsley

Woman soldier points at genitals of hooded and naked Iraqis

The little bit I have read about, it seems to me that it is being completely blown out of proportion,” said Roger Krueger, who served in Vietnam and is the chapter’s president. “When a person is in combat, they have to do whatever they have to do to stay alive.”

Two US troops pose with Iraqi prisoners piled on top of each other.

I’m sure there is more than one side of the story”:, and we don’t know all the facts,’ said Robert Hutcheson, a Cumberland resident and Allegany County commissioner. ‘In my mind, this is no blemish on their record.

Iraqi PoWs are forced to parade before their jeering captors

America has some good things to offer the world. Our Bill Of Rights may be the biggest advance in modern political history. We have tended to embrace progress, however painful, with more enthusiasm than many other hide bound cultures.

But, the character of our people is just as bad and good as any other. When Crusader Codpiece lectures the world about the justice of our cause being based upon our “goodness” he proves his simplemindedness once again.

These sickening pictures taken by some Americans and the pathetic rationalizing words of some other Americans show once again that the line between good and evil is not drawn between “America” and “the enemy.” It is drawn

inside the heart of every human being.

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