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Martin Luther Bush

Atrios and Josh Marshall note this new Orwell Jr talking point about critics of the Iraq war being racists because they don’t believe that “brown people” can govern themselves.

There’s a lot of people in the world who don’t believe that people whose skin color may not be the same as ours can be free and self-govern. I reject that. I reject that strongly. I believe that people who practice the Muslim faith can self-govern. I believe that people whose skins aren’t necessarily — are a different color than white can self-govern.

I don’t know what color “our” skin is, but I’m sure the other “people in the world” are relieved to know that the U.S. president, at least, thinks that people whose skins are a different color than white can self-govern. It’s just a little embarrassing that he has the mind of a 12 year old and actually thinks it’s such a huge insight that the leader of a multi-racial, pluralistic society believes such a thing. What’s next? Is he going to announce that he doesn’t agree with all those people in the world who think that slavery is good?

But, he is right about one thing. There are people who think this way. And they are the same people who persist in believing that Iraq and al-Qaeda were in cahoots on 9/11. And it’s not just Iraq, apparently:

Hey, Hosni [Mubarek, of Egypt]…until Arabs attacked us, most Americans’ feelings about y’all were pretty neutral. Now that you b*st*rds have invaded us and spilled the blood of our innocent brothers and sisters on our own soil, you’ll be finding out soon what destruction your hatred will bring upon those cesspools you call countries.

Taliban, Saddam, Next???

I do hate Arabs as well!

I feel pity for a people who let some self-appointed cult leaders do their thinking for them. A mind is a terrible thing to waste!

What Islamists of any persuasion don’t seem to get, their days are numbered. No more Madrasa’s, No more Bin Laden, no more oil money, no more 72 virgins, no more religious spider holes, no more Islam.

If they don’t like it they need to renounce Islam or renounce their American citizenship and move back to an Arab country, so Americans don’t have to worry about them. They will be much safer. If another 9/11 kind of a terror attack happens, I’m afraid some Americans might start shooting Arabs out of fear for the safety of their families.

Yes. It would appear that some people don’t believe that those of “brown skin” should be self-governing. They are the same ones who don’t think those of brown skin should be allowed to vote. In fact, they are the same people who have a pronounced affection for brown shirts — the racist base of the Republican Party who look old Georgie right in the eye and see into his soul. No matter what happy horseshit he spews about self-governing brown people, they know he’s one of them.

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