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I just love this controversy over on World O’Crap about the scaredy cat little stewardi and their trembling passengers all excited by a bunch of “middle eastern” musicians talking to each other, not smiling and going to the bathrooms on an airplane. (Why did you know there is no law that mandates middle easterners should be required to eat with their hands?)

Personally, I think somebody needs to report these complainers to the TSA and get them on a no-fly list ASAP. They might be nice blond Murikans who could never harm a flea, but from the description they sound to me as if they could easily be Tim Mcveigh types who would be very happy to take down and airliner and blame it on the Syrian mandolin players. I don’t feel comfortable allowing people like that to eat their food with utensils or be allowed to whisper to one another privately on an airplane.

Someone should have the FBI look into this. Evil only prevails when good men do nothing. Just as the writer of this tale in the Women’s WSJ (what — is the regular one too, like, totally boring?) believes that her feelings are what should guide the actions of the police in matters of terrorism, I think mine should too. Paranoid white conservatives scare the shit out of me. I don’t want them on my airplane. After all, just as terrorists can learn to play instruments as a ruse, a home grown American terrorist can easily get hired on at Women’s WSJ to write silly, unbelievable essays. In fact, it’s the perfect cover.

Kevin at Catch has more on the chilling middle eastern flautists and Julia comments as only Julia can.

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