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Crazed Neocon On The Loose

Yesterday I wrote that I thought this might just validate those Capital Hill Blue stories about Bush being on drugs.

Laura Rozen says, “This administration is insane. I have no words.”

Kevin Drum thinks “it’s really pretty bizarre.”

Matthew Yglesias calls his post on the topic “The Horror, The Horror.”

This has to be the work of “The Mouth That Roared” John Bolton, Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security (a title that this man could hold only in Bizarro world.) Ostensibly he works for Colin Powell, but as with everything else, Powell has been competely ineffectual in controlling him.

This is a very stupid thing for Junior’s administration to do and I think that Kerry could make some news with it. Based upon nothing more than a gut feeling, I think that the American people would find it extremely odd that the American government is against nuclear inspections. Maybe I’m wrong and they all think it’s some sort of black helicopter UN plot to take over the world, but I doubt it. People are a little bit more tuned in than they used to be to this stuff and I think they would at least find it questionable.

And, regardless of the political merits, the policy itself is completely wrongheaded.

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