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Pundit Deficiency

I’m sure we’ve all read this fascinating little piece on the “side-by-side” military records of prominent Republicans, Democrats and journalists, thanks to Atrios. One part is particularly telling, in a way the writer never intended:

Here is the list of journalists and pundits called “nonpartisan and right of center”:

David Brooks, NY Times columnist

William F. Buckley, National Review

Pat Buchanan, MSNBC commentator

Ann Coulter, writer & commentator

Lou Dobbs, CNN News anchor

Paul Gigot, Wall Street Journal editor

Sean Hannity, Hannity & Colmes host

Brit Hume, Fox News anchor

Rush Limbaugh, Radio talk show host

Bill O’Reilly, O’Reilly Factor host

Michael Savage, Radio talk show host

William Safire, NY Times columnist

George Will, Washington Post columnist

Who of these are non-partisan, I wonder? Being generous, I’ll say that Hume and Dobbs work to maintain at least the appearance of objectivity. The rest are all openly partisan and eight of them (out of thirteen) are rabid, red meat Republicans.

If you were to ask informed Republicans if they trusted the straight journalists listed above and if they generally agreed with the others’ views, they would probably say yes. If there would be a problem it would be because a few moderate Republicans might not feel comfortable identifying themselves with the extreme rhetoric of the Limbaughs, Coulters and Savages. In other words, the worst any Republican would say about this list is that many of the people on it are too extreme, not that they are too partisan. And most would say these people fairly represent their views.

Now look at the list of journalists and pundits called nonpartisan and left of center:

Wolf Bilzter, CNN News anchor

Tom Brokaw, NBC News anchor

Alan Colmes, Hannity & Colmes host

Al Franken, Political satirist

Thomas Friedman, NY Times columnist

Jim Lehrer, PBS News Hour anchor

Bill Maher, HBO, political satirist

Chris Matthews, Hardball host

Michael Moore, Political satirist, filmmaker

Dan Rather, CBS News Anchor

Tim Russert, Meet the Press host

Jon Stewart, Daily Show host

George Stephanopoulos, ABC This Week host

Out of these only Colmes, Franken, Maher, Moore and Stewart, five out of thirteen, can be called rabid left wing Democrats and that is a serious stretch with all but the ineffectual Colmes and Franken. Of these, only Colmes has made his career as a liberal talking head. These others are free agents who’ve signed on for the season.

Matthews, Russert and Stephanopoulos have past ties to Democrats, but work hard to prove their “objective” credibility, mostly by being harder on Democrats than Republicans. This is the exact opposite of the Republican pundits (like Scarborough and Buchanan) who maintain their partisan ties quite openly. However, being much, much too generous I’ll put them in the category with Brooks, Safire and Will above because we can never convince a Republican that they are non-partisans no matter how many Democrats they run out of town on a rail to prove otherwise.

Friedman is a bi-partisan wonk type who is only on the list because he writes about foreign policy. He could have gone on either list.

But, Blitzer, Brokaw, Lehrer, and Rather are non-partisan journalists of the type completely missing from the “right of center” list above. They do not, by job description, offer their opinions, as both Hume and Dobbs often do on their programs and certainly not in the way Matthews, Russert, Buchanan, Gigot, Will and Buckley do.

Informed Democrats look at this list and see five entertainers who speak the truth, three pundits trying very hard to get Republicans to see them as objective and five buckets of lukewarm spit who are easily played by the right wing. Unlike the Republicans whose only complaint (among a minority of voters) would be that the list is too right wing, the problem for us is that most of the left of center list isn’t left at all.

This list clearly shows the huge deficit we face in the punditocrisy. They have a full employment act for full time partisan screamers, talking heads and screeching pens. We have to depend on Alan Colmes, Jim Lehrer and Wolf Blitzer.

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