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See What Sticks

I haven’t read the Spinsanity guys’s new book, so I don’t know the entirety of this thesis, but one of the authors, Bryan Keefer, said last night on Jon Stewart that one of the media manipulation techniques used successfully by the Republicans is to throw so much spin into the mix that the media isn’t capable of sorting it all out properly.

I think that lets the press corps off too easily — it is after all, their job to sort this stuff out and they are far too willing to adopt the easiest, most “entertaining” (to them) line. But, there is some truth to the idea that if you overwhelm the media with talking points and spin and propaganda the specifics start to sound like white noise and all you are left with is some basic, emotional understanding that something is wrong or right.

It seems to me that what they really do is throw absolutely everything out there and then hammer on whatever seems to stick with the media, which is often a rather snobbish, sophomoric narrative that casts the media in a superior role in terms of cool, status or morality. It worked with Clinton and it’s probably going to work with Kerry if he wins.

The question many of us have to start asking is how do you counter this effectively? Clinton survived by dint of his personal charisma and star power as well as the fact that his presidency was remarkably successful in a period of relative peace and prosperity. Kerry is a different animal facing a very different set of challenges. I believe that, as Dave Johnson at See The Forest predicts here the right will go completely insane — in my view, mostly because that asterisk next to Junior’s name is the coda to their fantasy of a “permanent conservative majority” — so they will go beyond even what we’ve seen before.

So, what do you think that Democrats should do to counter the slurs, character assassination and organized obstruction that President Kerry will inevitably face? And how can we better manage the media this time out?

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