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Don’t Go There

Kevin Drum does a masterful takedown of Jonah Goldberg’s ridiculous assertion that the “Bush haters” are more extreme and nasty than the Clinton haters were. He reminds him of the murder charges from the WSJ editorial page, the videos about cocaine running in Arkansas and, of course, the $70 mil spent chasing Clinton’s mighty member.

But, he is too polite (and I’m not) to mention that Jonah’s dear mother was the shrill, shrieking harpy from hell who committed a litany of heinous and disgusting acts during the era and “secured her footnote in American political history as Linda Tripp’s accomplice, delightedly hawking a story to the equally spiteful New York Press about Clinton “finger-fucking” his daughter Chelsea.”

Now, when Michael Moore or MoveOn come out with sewage like that we can talk. Until then, Lucianne’s little boy ought to shut the fuck up about Clinton-haters and Bush-haters. It’s not exactly a topic that benefits the family name.

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