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Spoonfed Gibberish

Some Deep Thoughts from our president on the campaign trail in New Mexico:

I understand the limitations of government. I understand that government is not a loving organization. (Laughter.) But government can stand side-by-side with loving organizations to help improve the lives of people from all walks of life.

And there is nothing I love more than a fabulous, loving organization. As long as they’re not too sensitive. I’m against that.

The only reason I ask is that people have got to understand when you hear the tax relief encouraged investment, investment means you’re purchasing something, and somebody has to make that which you purchase and sell that which you purchase. And that’s how the economy works.

And people have got to understand that when you fall down and go boom it means you’re no longer standing. And that’s how gravity works.

It’s one thing to have justice; it’s another thing to go overboard with justice, because people start to lose work.

Especially my close personal friends and political contributors.

I think a healthy society is one in which people own something. If you own something you have a stake in the future of your country.

And if you don’t you are a fucking loser who has no stake in the future so just go die.

You can’t have a hopeful society if you’re not allowed to express your opinion or worship freely.

And you can’t attend or speak at this rally unless you agree to express the opinions we want you to express.

You see, it’s a different kind of war. It’s a different kind of war. We cannot hope for the best anymore. In the old days, we could, because we thought oceans would protect us. It wasn’t all that long ago that we thought we were safe from harm’s way.

Well, except for the thousands of Soviet ICBM’s that were aimed at every American city for almost 50 years, that is.

Q: We are praying for righteous leaders in Washington and throughout our country, because we know that it’s time for America to get back to its moral roots that our founders put in place for us when this country was founded. And it is time for the people in this country to realize and to call out for righteous leaders. That is our right as God’s children. And we are doing that…And you will be in the White House.

God isn’t fooled by George W. Bush like you are. Don’t count on it.

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