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They Just Lie.

Message to the media. Read this from Seeing The Forest. “They just lie” is the assumption from which you must begin when one of these “stories” starts to percolate. And you will find that by making that correct assumption you can have a good story, too. Lying on tape is a good story. If you think really hard you may remember that a few years back that you got quite a bit of mileage out of several along that line.

John O’Neil’s dirty trick against John Kerry has been exposed by one of the White House tapes featuring him talking to Richard Nixon. These are the same tapes that brought down Richard Nixon for dirty tricks thirty years ago.

Press Corpse — this is delicious, in case you haven’t noticed. It is beautiful symbolism. It is perfect symmetry. It is to make you believe in God.

If you can’t run with this, you have no business being scandal mongers. Remember, it’s all about you, It’s all about your ratings, your Q, your salary. Run little mediawhores, run. This one is just sitting there like a big juicy fig waiting for you to bite into it.

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