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I said earlier in the week that the stupid CBS memos flap was becoming a full fledged Wurlitzer frenzy and I think we went one step closer today.

Yesterday, Rush said:

“…the question about CBS, and I don’t mean to be skirting this, but I don’t know how they expect us to trust them on anything else they do, particularly when it’s in this presidential race. This is a problem for them, folks. Now they’re trying to make it go away by stonewalling it with this independent commission but you’ve got a major, major federal crime here.”

This whore was on FOX saying:

“You start tying these connections together … I said I’m so scared because I know what’s going on with my party,” Democratic strategist Pat Caddell told FOX News. “The fact is, [Burkett] did not approach CBS, CBS approached him looking for the documents, which means someone tipped CBS off … which could be a violation of the law.”

On Wolf Blitzer today, they devoted a full segment to the question of whether the forgeries were a crime. Joe DiGenova, former federal prosecutor de jour, said that a special prosecutor with subpoena power was needed to find out who tried to interefere with a federal election during wartime. Blitzer seemed to agree that the subject was so serious that somebody needed to get to the bottom of it.

Later, Brit Hume had some new nonsense about Mary Mapes and federal prisoners in Colorado.

Fasten your seatbelts. The Wurlitzer is gearing up. It’s possible that it won’t have legs, but the set up for a long term mediawhore feeding frenzy is being put in place. The good news is that Joe Lockhart and Mike McCurry are the two most experienced flacks on planet in dealing with this garbage.

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