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Phony Sanctimony, Part II

Vice President Cheney’s delicate sensibilities were bruised today by Senator Kerry’s bad manners:

“I must say I was appalled at the complete lack of respect Senator Kerry showed for this man of courage when he rushed to hold a press conference and attack the prime minister, a man America must stand beside to defeat the terrorists,” Cheney told an audience in St. Joseph, Missouri.

“John Kerry is trying to tear down all the good that has been accomplished, and his words are destructive to our effort in Iraq and in the global war on terror.

“As Prime Minister Allawi said in his speech, and I quote, ‘When political leaders sound the siren of defeatism in the face of terrorism, it only encourages more violence,'” Cheney added.

If there is one thing that the Bush Cheney administration will not stand for it’s disrespect to our allies around the world.

It’s quite clear that any criticism of the president’s leadership in a time of war is sounding the siren of defeatism in the face of terrorism. It’s another example of what Zell Miller decried at the Republican convention — Democrats determined to bring down the commander in chief by contesting an election. What could be more antithetical to freedom and democracy than that?

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