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Get Ready

Scarborough is saying that the Bush campaign is going to put up an ad showing that Kerry flip flopped in the debates tonight on building alliances (something to do with Australia) and Matthews was excited at the prospect.

Tomorrow is where the action is folks. Tonight, the consensus is that Kerry won the debate and he did. Tomorrow, the push back begins.

Get your phone numbers in hand. Get ready to write e-mails. They will not go down without a fight. We will have to fight them back with their own words.

I will post tonight’s various transcripts of the immediate responses tomorrow and we should be prepared to shove the mediawhores’ impressions down their own throats.

Tomorrow is the day in which we will crystalize Kerry’s win in this debate. Everybody needs to help. I’ll have all the contact info for you — all you need to do is write some e-mails and make a few phone calls. The campaign could be seriously helped by this effort. Let’s do it.

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