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Petulant And Out Of Touch

The DNC has this video up that’s quite amusing and quite revealing. Bush looks petulant, immature, arrogant, out of touch, unfocused and annoyed. We’ll have to wait for Saturday Night Live and Jay Leno to tell us whether this will take on a life of its own, but he certainly didn’t look presidential in any way shape or form with his puerile fidgeting.

Blitzer appeared to be shocked at that suggestion when it was brought up this morning, however, because the president simply can’t look unpresidential in his book. Sorry, Wolfie, the president is routinely not only unpresidential he is an embarrassment. Here’s some footage (real player) of him spitting out a wad of gum before he signed a major treaty with Russia back in 2002.

We know that Junior has always believed that a dictatorship would be easier as long as he’s the dictator, but that’s too bad. It’s a shame that a president has to go through all this election unpleasantness, but it’s part of the “hard work” of democracy. His highness behaved last night as if he shouldn’t have to stand on the same stage and debate a man who he believes is his lesser.

He’s quite the regular guy, our ill-mannered boy King.

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