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Sherwood Like To See Some Results

Kevin at Catch the earliest muckraker on the “Stolen Honor” ratfuck way last summer, notes a delicious little tid-bit on Carlton Sherwood, the king of protester-porno.

Everyone knows by now that he was tapped to run the government web-site What’s interesting is that it is now seven months behind schedule. Maybe Carlton needs to concentrate on his day job for a while and put a hold on his dirty tricks fantasy life. Millions are being wasted. As Kevin says:

Apologies to the first responders (read: heros) for the delay (homeland security can wait, you whiners)

I know it’s not as important as “travelgate,” when Brit Hume and his pals fell into the vapors for months proclaiming that cronyism in the white house travel office was just short of satanic, but this still might deserve a tiny bit of attention.

Take a look at the web site. These are your tax dollars at work, folks.

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