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Oh Please

So, I see (via Atrios) that Junior is taking a day off on Saturday.

Sure he is. In the fight of his life, ten days before the election, he’s taking a precious day away from the campaign trail.

How much do you want to bet he’s being measured for a new military costume as we speak?

My only question is whether it will be Kabul or Baghdad.

And if the braindead press corpse handle this as anything but a cheap, taxpayer financed stunt we should raise holy hell. In fact, it wouldn’t hurt to let them know now that any October Surprise like this is not a “surprise” it’s an act of sheer desperation and if they don’t cover this with the skepticism and derision it deserves they can never call themselves anything but whores.

It’s called working the refs folks. If this thing happens, the press needs to have our take on it firmly implanted in their minds before they start their bizarre, erotic fantasizing about the manly preznit.

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