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Another Winning Issue For The Future

As you know, now that the real Americans have spoken, I think it’s important that we take on the moral issue head on if we hope to win in Real America. Creationism will be our flagship, but there are many other topics we explore, like making sure that all textbooks reflect the fact that marriage is between a man and a woman as Texas just did. The books had used the words “marriage partners” but the school board luckily saw through it:

Terri Leo, a Republican, said she was pleased with the publishers’ changes. She had led the effort to get the publishers to change the texts, objecting to what she called “asexual stealth phrases” like “individuals who marry.”

It’s those stealth phrases that we have to fight against if we want to get the respect of the fine salt of the earth Real Americans. It’s not so much the positions we take, it’s the sneakiness they can’t abide.

Neither publisher made all the changes that Ms. Leo initially sought. For instance, one passage that was proposed to be added to the teacher’s editions read: “Opinions vary on why homosexuals, lesbians and bisexuals as a group are more prone to self-destructive behaviors like depression, illegal drug use and suicide.”

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