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“A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?” — Albert Einstein

Via Daou I see that some on the right are kind of disturbed at all the Dem activity these last few days.

Out of the Gates:DEMS GO CRAZY

OFF WITH A BANG!: It only took seconds for the Dems to set the new record for crazy…Kerry bashing the U.S. while in Iraq, Boxer and Conyers pulling the “dimented act of the year” award, and the Gonzales grilling was accompanied by the MSM’s coordinated attack in the five most recognizable daily newspapers in America. My new World Net Daily column gives you the blow by blows…as the DEMS GO NUTS.

Better keep your heads down, little wingnuts. We’re OUT OF CONTROL. Who knows what we’ll do next!

It’s quite liberating being completely out of power after hearing the right insult, browbeat and demonize us for more than 15 years. After this over the top post election end zone dance in particular, we no longer have anything to lose by making it our business to simply fuck with Republicans for the pure entertainment value. In some ways it’s a kind of political insurgency. They refuse to compromise, they insist on being demeaning and crude, so all that’s left is to make their lives unpleasant is a thousand little ways every single day.

And the really fun part is that we represent 49% of the people so there are quite a few of us around.

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