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James Wolcott:

That so few major establishment papers have latched on to the unfolding Manchurian Beefcake story helps explain why major establishment newspapers are losing readers in droves, unable to spot a juicy scandal when it’s doing a lapdance in front of their glazed eyes.

Well, we know they would be stuffing hundies in its G-String if Drudge had hustled them into this Gentleman’s Club, now don’t we? They just aren’t getting properly forcefed the nasty stuff so they wring their delicate hankies as per Kenny Boy Mehlman’s instructions. We’ll see if they wake up and smell the Hai Karate.

Wolcott links to this very intriguing little trip down memory lane from Rigorous Intuition. One hates to bring up these tawdry little naughty bits, but why does this stuff keep coming up in every Bush administration?

Oh, and I think we can all agree that this must now officially be known as the Manchurian Beefcake scandal. It doesn’t get any better than that.

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