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Charlie Brown’s Slumber Party

Did anyone happen to catch the happy little hen party on Chris Matthews week-end show tonight in which Chris, Clarence Page, Kathleen Parker, Andrew Sullivan and Gloria Borger ripped Hillary for being a “castrating Bitch” and “Nurse Ratchet” replete with a full-on harpy imitation by Borger? I’ve never seen anything like this (at least where Ann Coulter and Nancy Grace weren’t involved.) Then they sharpened their claws on Martha Stewart, Gloria saying that people will find her interesting because the less they see of her the more they like her. Everyone cackled wickedly as she went on to mock her potential good works on behalf of women prisoners. Andy snorted delicately.

Then they all pitched in on the Stalinists at PCU who are allegedly persecuting Larry Summers. Clarence tried valiently to make an argument but both Andy and Gloria were eyerolling and smirking to such a degree that Chris couldn’t really keep a straight face. He told Gloria he liked the fact that she turned up her nose at this “PC nonsense.” She lowered her eyes flirtatiosly, batted her lashes and veritably glowed with his praise.

I’m not exaggerating about the castrating bitch line either. Borger said that as the jews gave Joe Lieberman a lot of trouble so will the women give Hillary problems. (I don’t remember the jewish community’s Lieberman rebellion, do you?) And Chris agreed that the men sitting in their chairs watching television are all thinking “I’ll never vote for this woman.” He does admit, though, that women become less threatening when they get old.

What in the hell is wrong with these people? Are they regularly appearing on television drunk now? It was like watching a sketch on The Daily Show. Can we get Soros or somebody to pitch in and just pay them to stop? I’ll donate.

Update: It appears they aren’t alone in meanspirited douchbaggery this week-end. Kevin Drum excerpts Susan Estrich’s latest little bit of nasty in her ongoing pursuit of being the most unlikeable person in the world as she battles wits with Michael Kinsley, editorial editor of the LA Times and Parkinson’s sufferer:

Far from being “pissed off,” I believe I have conducted myself with admirable restraint because of our past relationship and my honest concerns for your health.

….My suggestion that your publishing [my letter] would be better (for you too) than my having to go outside somehow constitutes me blackmailing you is so outlandish that it underscores the question I’ve been asked repeatedly in recent days, and that does worry me, and should worry you: people are beginning to think that your illness may have affected your brain, your judgment, and your ability to do this job.

For those who aren’t following this story (scroll down), Estrich is pissed off that Kinsley hasn’t been featuring more women, specifically her, on the op-ed pages of the LA Times. I cannot speculate about why there aren’t more women on the op-ed pages of the LA Times, but it’s my observation that Susan is no longer very coherent most of the time. She has become Fox’s Pat Cadell. I seem to recall that she was reportedly a bit tipsy in New Hampshire during the primary last year telling anyone who would listen, “they jussht pay us so mush moooney!!!”

Now we find out that she is simply a douchebag. Buh bye.


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