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This Week

This has been the worst week of blogging since I started. Blogger has been constantly bloggered and when it wasn’t, my cable has been offline. Since last Tuesday, I’ve barely been able to read Atrios, for gawds sake, much less post one of my own brilliant observances. I hate blogging in coffee shops, I just hate it. But I’m here and if I don’t keel over from caffeine poisoning before blogger eats my post, I’ll hopefully have something brilliant up soon. Or not.

The good news is that there has never been more riveting news coverage on television than these last few days, has there? I mean, who can take their eyes off of that spine tingling long shot of The Apostolic Palace with the three lit windows. I could stare at it for hours and hours and hours. And hours. Talk about a story made for TV.

And I don’t know about you, but after listening to the last three days of non-stop pre-eulogizing by such brilliant minds as Daryn Kagan and Miles O’Brien, the latter of whom seemed simply bowled over yesterday when informed that the Pope talked to Jews just like they were normal, I’m truly on pins and needles wondering what they will all say for the next week of ritual and observance. It’s been so spritually uplifting to listen to Kelly Wallace’s remembrances of things people passing on the street said about Pope John Paul. (They mostly liked him. Plenty.) And who can forget Lester Holt’s moving daily tribute to the Holy Father’s popemobile?

What can they possibly do to top themselves? I’m thinking Judy Woodruff and Aaron Brown could get into some serious self-flagellation. And I think Paula Zahn would look smashing in a hair shirt. (She looks good in anything.) And clearly, the only appropriately reverent response from Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity would be taking vows of silence. Since everyone on television agrees that the pope was the most awesomely terrific pope ever, I’m pretty sure that’s what he would have wanted. I know I’m praying for it.


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