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Sissy Assassins

I’m awfully touched that so many Republicans have gone all Claud Raines over these mean Tom Delay and George Bush t-shirts. Indeed, they are so shocked and appalled that according to Crooks and Liars, they are even issuing death threats to Cafe Press, the outfit that distributes the offending items.

The liberal left is completely out of hand. (Michelle Malkin calls us the “pro-assassination” left which is something I’m hearing more of lately and wonder just when this latest delusion seized the wingnuts and what it means. Usually this sort of thing is projection which is a bit alarming.) In any case it appears that we liberals are now not only a bunch of sissies, we are also ruthless killers. Which is interesting, if incoherent.

For instance, it must be liberals who are selling the “Deep Six” campaign through cafe press, which consists of headstones with the names and pictures of Democratic Senators.

You can even get a tee shirt for your baby with that nice picture on it.

And this classic from the right wing never gets old. The price has been discounted so stock up for gifts!:

It’s interesting that when I first posted this back in November during the earlier “Che” t-shirt vapors, the caption said:

The Marine who killed the wounded insurgent in Fallujah deserves our praise and admiration. In a split second decision, he acted valiantly.

On the otherhand, Kevin Sites of NBC is a traitor. Beheading civilians, booby-trapped bodies, suicide bombers?? Sorry hippie, American lives come first. Terrorists don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt. This Marine deserves a medal and Kevin Sites, you deserve a punch in the mouth.

Now it’s toned down just a little bit.

But I think what really makes the point most clearly about the liberal penchant for violence, crudity and coarseness is this one, entitled “Irrigate Hillary” which shows a soldier urinating into Mrs. Clinton’s mouth:

(Click on the link for the full panoply of just one guy’s hate Hillary items available through cafe press. Sadly, the “Irrigate Hillary” campaign doesn’t offer an apron or a baby shirt. Luckily, it does come on a coffee cup. Which is presumably empty.)

It’s sad that we liberals, with our penchant for assasination and disgusting crudity, have lowered the discourse to such a degree that even Tom DeLay is being villified with mean t-shirts. But we may have gone too far this time. Republicans have stepped up and put liberals on notice that they will no longer tolerate our reprehensible rhetoric. Children are listening … and wearing the t-shirts.


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