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A Guy’s Gotta Make A Living

This is the only source I find with this information, so maybe it’s not true; if it is, it’s amazing:

The Syrian government signed an agreement with New Bridge Strategies to improve its image in the American society, convince President Bush that it seeks good relations with his administration and is willing to be extremely flexible in its cooperation with the White House.

The company was selected specifically because its CEO (Joe Allbaugh) had close ties with Bush. Allbaugh was Bush’s Chief of Staff and Campaign Manager when Bush was the Governor of Texas. He managed his 2000 campaign and later became Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, in charge of coordinating the public services and provide assistance to the victims of natural disasters.

I’m sure the fighting 101st keyboarders will will ensure that Allbaugh keeps his eyes open for all the WMD’s Saddam spirited into Syria before the war.

Allbaugh is extremely close to Junior. He was the third in the “Iron Triangle” with Rove and Hughes. Josh Marshall has reported how unseemly it is that he’s out there raking in huge bucks so soon after being in the administration anyway, particularly from the Iraq debacle which was never part of his portfolio. (He’s never been anything but a political hack.) But for him to be making big money lobbying for one of the officially proclaimed terrorist states while his good buddy is the president goes beyond the appearance of impropriety. For all the shrill caterwauling about liberals committing treason every other minute, this little deal really looks like it could be.

But IOKIYAR. It’s not like the guy went to a buddhist temple or had a haircut or anything.

Via The Left Coaster

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