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Volunteer For Hackett

I just got this e-mail from Bob Brigham of Swing State Project:

Man, cellular laptop cards are great. I’m riding in Paul Hackett’s motorcade and live-blogging over at Swing State Project.

The campaign has momentum and is peaking perfectly, but needs more people. It would be great if you could post a general call for the netroots to get down to Ohio 2nd district. People have been reading about this on the blogs and coming from all over, Philly, Michigan, Florida and a whole helluva lot of netroots people from Ohio. So far, over 7,000 people have donated. Let’s see if we can get 1% to go volunteer for GOTV.

We need a few hundred more people
and every available Democratic volunteer in the area is already plugged in. Let’s finish the job.

Ask people to call HQ at (513) 735-4310.

It’s a long shot, but if Hackett could pull this out it might be considered the kind of bellweather that Harris Wofford was back in 1991. It could change the media dynamic considerably for ’06.


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