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Pull The Other One

Talk Left points to this post about a joint US Canadian raid day before yesterday in Canada to arrest a marijuana seed distributer on charges that his seeds are being used by Americans to break the law. Selling the seeds in not illegal in Canada, but the Americans persuaded the canadians that they should be able to reach across the border and arrest their citizens. The story is complex, but if you are interested in this subject I recommend you check it out.

I was struck by one quote by the US Attorney in Seattle under whose auspices this bust came about:

“The fact is, marijuana is a very dangerous drug,” Sullivan said. “People don’t say that, but right now in America, there are more kids in treatment for addiction to marijuana than every other illegal drug combined.”

Now, I can’t say for sure, but I would bet a million dollars if I had it that this is flat out bullshit. Certainly, the “very dangerous” part is flat out bullshit. And I cannot believe that there are more kids in treatment for marijuana “addiction” than all other drugs combined. This is your government lying in your face. The kids know it and as a result they disregard all the warnings about drugs (like meth — a very, very serious problem.)


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