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Losing Their Religion

The ratfucking operation in the GOP is getting awfully sloppy these days. They just don’t seem on their game. And it’s not just that Rove is sweating bullets wondering if he’s going to have a fun new roommate named Roscoe pretty soon. I think it’s because the true masters of the game are getting old — and the younger generation of ratfuckers are like so many children who inherit great fortunes — spoiled and worthless.

Consider the fact that the Republicans create a “voting irregularity” front group to counter the charges that they are fixing elections. Fine. I would expect no less. This is what they do.

But, by God, I never thought they’d be dumb enough to use nationally known Republican operatives to do it. Jim Dyke was the communications director for the RNC during the 2004 campaign, ferchistsake. He was all over television. And now six months later he’s working with a 501c “non-partisan” group that released a report claiming “Democrat operatives” are stealing elections. Please. Any good GOP sleaze artist knows that you create at least a couple of degrees of separation between the party and the ratfucking. Roger Stone must be shaking his head in disgust. I suppose it’s what happens when you lose the hunger for power.

Bradblog has even more on the rightwing blogs little orgasm over this “non-partisan” report.


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