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Representing Gays For Free

I think Kevin asks the right question about this story that John Roberts did pro-bono work on a gay rights case:

It’s probably a sign of my slow deterioration into political senility that I’m less interested in the actual story here than I am in the meta-story. Why did Serrano write this piece? Who suggested it to him? And why did they suggest it?

Was it to make Roberts look less doctrinaire and therefore more palatable to liberals? Or was it designed to plant seeds of doubt about his doctrinal trustworthiness among conservatives? Or to insinuate that maybe Roberts is gay after all? Or what?

This sounds like a job for Arianna to me.

If I had to guess I’d say that it came from the liberal side which looked over his statement to the Senate of pro-bono cases he’d worked on and saw that he’d left out one important case. But who knows?

It certainly does seem odd to me that a staunch Republican and Catholic like Roberts, who we know by now is a winger’s right winger, would work on a gay rights case like this one. This was no arcane legal issue like one of the two pro-bono cases he descibed in his statement. Nor was it on behalf of the poor like the other one, which one could say is easily reconcilable with his religious beliefs. This was a landmark gay discrimination case. He could have begged off, I’m sure.

I can’t guess what went on, but I do think it’s odd that he didn’t mention it, if what he wants to do is present himself as a non-ideologue for the purposes of a smooth confirmation. It would have been a perfect example of his “open-mindedness.” On the other hand, it might stir up discomfort among the religious extremists who are demanding perfect fealty these days. But then, he really is a super ideologue, so why was he defending gay rights in the first place? He couldn’t do his pro-bono work for causes that didn’t offend his religious beliefs?

I’m with Kevin. This makes my head hurt.


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