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Leaning On The Bulldog

Josh Marshall wonders why Novak would have stomped off the set just because Ed Henry was planning to ask him about Plamegate (if that’s why he did it.) After all, Novak’s been successfully fending off questions about this for two years now.

I think he might be a little bit prickly because he didn’t want it generally known that his most recent column used false information not generated this time by “senior white house officials” but from a discredited cockheaded man-ho. Check out Peter Daou’s full report on the Gannon “expose” that Novak used as proof that the Kerry campaign “discarded” Joe Wilson.

It seems to me that it’s possible the mean old man just didn’t want to face the fact that he is a has-been journalist as well as a Republican hack who’s outlived his usefulness. Retirement must be looking pretty good.


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