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The Terminator

In case anyone’s wondering if Pat Fitzgerald is really as much of a prosecution machine as people think he is, there is actually little doubt. He seems to really like putting away dirty politicians of all stripes. In fact, he seems to be mowing down the entire corrupt Illinois political system in a thoroughly bipartisan way:

If ever U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald leaves Chicago, I figure that Mayor Richard Daley, his Democratic machine and his Republican friends in the Illinois political combine will pop for champagne at Gibsons in Rosemont.


“I’m just going to do my job until someone tells me otherwise,” Fitzgerald said at a news conference in which he announced the indictments of more combine boys.

“I love my job. I’m very, very lucky to work with the people behind me and the people behind that, and I have no plans to do anything else.”

Federal authorities charged three political insiders Wednesday with extorting money from investment companies working with the Teachers Retirement System pension fund.

According to the indictments, in trying to shake down a Virginia investment firm on behalf of Republican Stuart Levine, top Democratic fundraiser and lawyer Joe Cari is alleged to have said:

“This is how things are done in Illinois.”

Another lawyer, Steven Loren, also was charged in the shakedown scheme. He and Cari are now cooperating with prosecutors. Levine, who was indicted on multiple counts, was recently indicted in another alleged kickback scam on the state’s Health Facilities Planning Board.

Years ago, some questioned if there was an Illinois combine, a ruling bipartisan clique gorging on public money, using political muscle to fill their pockets. I don’t think many people question that anymore.

According to the grand jury, some Democrats and Republicans work together just fine. They’re not divided by opposing ideologies. Instead, they’re bound by a common interest: cash.

The combine fought to stop Fitzgerald from coming to Chicago from New York. They ran former U.S. Sen. Peter Fitzgerald (R-Ill.) out of politics for the sin of installing Patrick Fitzgerald (no relation) in the job of federal hammer in Chicago.

Lately, there’s been speculation that the president would lean on Fitzgerald and remove him because Fitzgerald is a presidential irritant, acting as special counsel in Washington. He’s investigating Bush administration officials for reportedly leaking the identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame.

Presidential political adviser Karl Rove and others in Rove’s sphere have been questioned in the investigation. It is assumed Rove will seek revenge. U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) wants to hold Senate hearings to question Fitzgerald about his investigation. These hearings are seen as an extension of Rove’s long hand.

And in Chicago, Fitzgerald has the Outfit upset, not to mention Streets & San, the mayor’s office and Daley’s own 11th Ward organization, and the Republican clique of former Gov. George Ryan. Fitzgerald and Chicago FBI chief Rob Grant are expected to announce more corruption charges in another case on Thursday morning.

So they’re giving everybody agita. With all this going on, all these investigations and all the political interests he’s threatened by pursuing cases, Fitzgerald was asked the big question.

Do you want to stay?

“I’m not going to start lobbying for a job,” he said. “I’m just saying that I’m very happy with my job, very grateful I have it, and I’m just going to keep working.”

He wasn’t lobbying. And he wasn’t being slick about it. He was just answering the question, appearing to be slightly embarrassed to be talking about himself.

I don’t know Fitzgerald well. But I can see he is uncomfortable with being cast as some knight on a white horse. He’s no such thing. He’s much more dangerous.

He’s a federal prosecutor who does not want to run for governor or a big job in a top law firm. He’s not whispering that he’d like to be made a federal judge. He doesn’t want to be somebody’s rainmaker.

There’s nothing more frightening to the combine than someone without an appetite they can feed.

If he hands down indictments the long arm of Karl Rove is going to morph into a thousand tentacles intent upon bringing this guy down. Within minutes you will see every talking point the Democrats used against Ken Starr being regurgitated by right-wing mouthpieces as if they just made it up that morning. It’s one of their favorite (and most useful) tactics — use the other side’s rhetoric against them. They take advantage of the ear worms of repetitive political rhetoric which a lot of people then just automatically accept as conventional wisdom.

And if you think you’ve seen Republicans whining and snivelling about being victimized before now, you ain’t seen nothin’ until you see them shriek like little old ladies about being persecuted by the jack-booted thugs. If and when that happens, I hope that the liberal pundits have the wisdom to turn the tables on them this time and call them out for being a bunch of bedwetting sissies. Karl Rove needs to take it like a man. There’s a war on. If he’d just apologise, maybe we could move on …

‘N what about the rule ‘o law?


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