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In The Trenches

This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in eons. Apparently, the testosterone is flowing so strongly down there in Crawford that the Move America Forward “Cindy Doesn’t Speak For Us” team got all excited and kicked the Pro-Bush Protest Warriors’ asses by mistake.

TBOGG has the whole story, along with the appropriate Monty Python reference.

And I dunno whether “Cindy-Hanoi Jane” is going to catch on. But I can see they have a bit of a problem. They can’t really call her Bagdad Cindy, can they? “Insurgent Cindy?” Nah, just doens’t have a ring to it. I guess Cindy-Hanoi Jane is the best they can do. Tells you something.

Update: Kevin at Catch has some pictures. Apparently the Protest Warriors’ signs were just a little bit too subtle for the folks. They said “except for ending slavery, fascism, naszism and communism war has never solved anything” which is hilarious in its own right. (Fascism and Nazism both! And communism too. Well sort of. I guess.)

Kevin has a link to the freeper thread that tries to explain all of this. It’s very confusing for them.


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