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Calling In The Leadership

Oh, this is rich. DC MediaGirl (via the Daoureport) says that Michele Malkin is having a fit because Hollywood and LiveAid hasn’t stepped into the breach in New Orleans. Apparently, Hollywood should hold fundraisers while disasters are still unfolding. They shouldn’t even have a day or two to plan them — entertainers should immediately rush to the closest TV studio and just start singing and dancing as fast as they can. I presume that Malkin feels this should be done in lieu of actual disaster relief by Big Govmint, which is the root of all evil after all.

DC media Girl also points out Dear Leader was attending birthday parties and strumming the guitar while untold numbers were dying along the gulf coast. But then, it isn’t actually his job to deal with disasters. He was waiting for Tom Hanks and Goldie Hawn to take the lead on that.

This is a really unfair rap on the entertainment community. They are a lot of things, but ungenerous in disasters, they aren’t. They always step up in times like this and I have absolutely no doubt they are planning to do it right now.

When’s the last time the wealthy media punditocrisy held a fundraiser for victims of anything, by the way?


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