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I See Marty’s Underpants

by digby

I get these neat little e-mails from Marty Peretz at the New Republic telling me that I should read this or that article in the magazine (and subscribe, of course.) It’s always amusing how “he” chooses to frame certain arguments. Here’s one that cracks me up:

The first of these is a long piece (with a dejected Napoleon on the cover) by Paul Berman, the author of Terror and Liberalism, the prize-winning book of two years ago, relating France’s xenophobia towards America to its historic arrogance about France as the perfect model for everyone, including its Arab and African immigrants.

And here I thought all this talk about Freedom Fries and “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” showed America’s xenophobia toward France. And then there is our vaunted “exceptionalism” in which we are forcibly exporting our perfect model for everyone as if we are high priests anointed by the God of Democracy. (And also, of course, because we are so good and they’re so evil.) And call me crazy, but it seems to me that I’ve heard an awful lot, my whole life, about the damn immigrants (legal and illegal) who refuse to learn English. Damn that liberal multiculturalism all to hell.

I guess I just have never understood why conservatives hate France so much. It’s the most American country in Europe. Only with really good food, good wine and liberal attitudes toward sex. It’s a lot like San Francisco.



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